Friday, October 24, 2014

Rural Malaysia - Malay Wedding in a FELDA Settlement

Being situated in remote areas of Malaysia, probably the liveliest event in a FELDA settlement is a wedding. A FELDA settlement is a small community and therefore everybody in the settlement is invited or expected to attend. Some come dressed in their best and others as they are - life is so simple.

Like most traditional Malay weddings, it's an informal affair. Some will eat before the wedding, some during and some after - nobody cares. It's more of a social gathering and the time to chat with neighbours, and meet old acquaintance and relatives who have migrated to the cities.

Wedding at a FELDA settlement, Malaysia
Bride and groom

Beating the drums at a Malay wedding, Malaysia
Beating the drums
More drums at a Malay wedding, Malaysia
More drums - ouch my ears!

Feasting at a Malay wedding, Malaysia
Time to feast - buffet style

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