Thursday, October 23, 2014

Rural Malaysia - Life in a FELDA Scheme

I made a visit with my family to one of the FELDA settlements, where my sister-in-law's family live. Those used to living in the cities, staying in the rural outback of a FELDA settlement is probably like an exile in the middle of nowhere. For the settlers, it's home and their life centres around the settlement though many of the younger generations are leaving for the big cities.

Many of the settlers are farmers, and a farmers' work can be back breaking working as early as 6 in the morning until midday when the sun gets to hot to work. Then back home for lunch and then enjoy the simple things in life - maybe fishing at a nearby the river or collect fresh eggs from the chicken coop. Forget about the rat race here, there is nothing to race for.

Home in a FELDA settlement, Malaysia
Home in a FELDA settlement

The chicken coop

The grocer on wheels in a FELDA settlement, Malaysia
The grocer on wheels

My in-laws at a FELDA settlement, Malaysia
My sister-in-law and her late husband

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