Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cameron Highlands, Malaysia - Nightlife in the Highlands

The towns are quiet at night in Cameron Highlands but would not describe the atmosphere as totally dead. The nearest centres of nightlife are in the towns of Tanah Rata and Brinchang. Expecting a clubbing scene in these two towns? Forget it since it simply does not exist! Human nocturnal activities in these two towns seem to be eating out and a little shopping.

Plenty of local (Chinese, Malay and Indian) eateries as well as a couple of American-style fast foods, western-style restaurants and the Starbucks coffee house at Tanah Rata. Then there are the few souvenir shops and 'mom & pop' stores for your basic needs. Around 10 pm life in the towns start to close and turns into a 'ghost town' by around 11 pm. Then to bed.

Town of Tanah Rata in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Night time in Tanah Rata

Shops in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Passing through the shops at night

Restaurant in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia
Eating out at night

Shops in the Cameron Highland town of Tanah Rata, Malaysia
Shops at night

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