Friday, April 25, 2014

Melaka City, Malaysia - Shopping for Antiques in Jonker Street

For many tourists, shopping at Jonker Street is usually for the typical souvenir items like T-shirts, refrigerator magnets, pens and key chains - not much for shopping experience. For the interested, there are a couple of antique shops in the area and some have been in business since the early 20th century. However, exercise caution since some "antique" shops sell replicas passed as the real thing. Even if you have no plans to buy, you are still welcome to browse the antique collections.

A reputable antique shop is Abdul Company, which has been in business since the 1920s with two shops in Jonker Street. Abdul Company does have a good reputation, servicing several local museums and rents its collections for exhibitions and official events. Antiques at its two shops not only include locally made items but also from other parts of the world. Collections include Chinese porcelain, clocks, brass ware, lamps, chandeliers, swords and furniture

Antique shop in Melaka's Jonker Street, Malaysia
Abdul Company Antiques Shop in Jonker Street

Antiques at Jonker Street in Melaka, Malaysia
Old gramophone and clocks at Abdul Company

Antique shop in Jonker Street in Melaka, Malaysia
Another antique shop in Jonker Street

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