Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Rural Malaysia - Farmers' Market in Batu Kikir

Every Sunday, from morning till noon, there is a farmers' market (pasar tani in Malay) in Batu Kikir's town centre. This is the time when village folks come to town and do more than just shop for groceries. It is also the time to bump into someone, whether a friend or relative, and exchange the latest village news or gossip and then possibly for a drink at a nearby coffee shop.

For a city guy, I am curios to know what village folks (besides my in-laws) here put in their cooking pot. There are the locally grown produce like water spinach, wild yam, mangosteen and bananas. The folks have also acquired a taste for imported produce like broccoli, cauliflower, apples and oranges. Times are changing and even village folks are eating what once considered a luxury.

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